Advocate of Peace

To achieve Advocate of Peace status, a member must have demonstrated a basic understanding of the origins, history, and inevitability of conflict. At the conclusion of the first course, “Introducing Peace,” there is a 10-question quiz.

To achieve Advocate of Peace status, you must:

1. Pass the quiz by scoring at least 80% (8 out of 10 correct answers), AND

2. Create a piece of art or writing that is directly related to an aspect of peace or happiness. This art or writing must be an original work of your own and not have been previously submitted for any contest or call for submissions.

Some suitable topics / inspirations include:

  • Historical or influential people, past or present
  • A topic relevant to current events
  • Thought-provoking concepts or quotes
  • Your version of the perfect, peaceful society
  • Anything creative in your chosen medium that celebrates peace! (You just need to be able to upload a picture of your work for posting on the website.